OG – “Help! I need Encouraged!”

I have decided to share a few of my OG devos from years past, in their original form for the most part. These were written right smack in the middle of a decades -long season of great trial. I’m sure you may notice a few grammar issues or strange sentence structure. Please  try to look past that, and land on the lesson He was teaching me at the time, and maybe even use it to remind/or teach you as well. The following is pulled from its pages…

For His glory and your encouragement.

Becky White

Help! I Need Encouraged!

If you’re breathing, you qualify.

To be discouraged is to lose courage. Find it in Christ and His Word.

Recall the old song, His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches over me. God’s Word says; “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies and yet not one of them is forgotten or uncared for in the presence of God. Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm. You are of greater worth than many flocks sparrows. And in the Old Testament, “I know and am acquainted with all the birds of the mountains.”
(Luke 12:6-7b and Psalm 50:11 Amp)

”Encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble, say to those with anxious heart ‘take courage, fear not.’ For the Lord knows and is fully acquainted with the way of the righteous. You number and record my wonderings; put my tears in a bottle — are they not in Your book? Those who feared the Lord talked often one to another, and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His name.” Isaiah 35:3-4 Psalm 1:6 Psalm 56:8 Malachi 3:16

Be encouraged, God knows your sorrow, He is aware of the path you take. He is not impotent in your situation. He is all powerful. He is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe and He loves you. He thinks on you. He has engraved you on the palm of His hand. Trials come and trials go (thankfully!). But He is faithful. Even when He allows struggles into our life you can be sure He will at the same time provide all you need to emerge as more than a conqueror. It will not always be this hard.

I remind myself (often!) of Romans 8:28, by saying; if He’s allowed (fill in the blank) into my life, He’s promised to bring good out of it as well. The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians1:9 “Indeed we had the sentence of death within ourselves, despairing even of life, but this was to keep us from trusting in and depending on ourselves instead of on God who raises the dead.”

Dead lives, dead marriages, dead relationships, dead finances, dead feelings….
He is THE resurrection and THE life… Behold, He [Jesus] makes all things new.

Written by Becky White for the Lord Jesus

Devotions for Difficult Days – to purchase hard copy of DDD OG devo or click here for free pdf download


Published by devotionsfordifficultdays

Becky White is a contributing author to Whispers of Wisdom for Single Mom's and Every Good and Perfect Gift, both Published by Barbour Publishing. She contributed to The Complete Guide to Christian Quotations, also by Barbour. She has written devotions for Quiet Hour magazine of the David C. Cook Publishing Company along with daily devotions titled Daily Bread Crumbs for an internet radio program. Her first published work was a poem in a 2007 edition of the BGEA Decision magazine. In addition, Becky has self-published an auto biography titled Come Forth as Gold and a booklet titled Adversity. Becky and her husband attend Rock City Church and serve together at Columbus Dream Center as well as writing a weekly devotion for her blog, Devotions for Difficult Days. The Whites have a family of seven grown children and eight grandchildren and make their home in Columbus, Ohio.

4 thoughts on “OG – “Help! I need Encouraged!”

  1. Wonderful post Becky! Think I will set this up to re-blog for this evening. Really enjoyed my read and for the reminder that whatever comes our way, good will come out of it. Thank you so much and God bless you for sharing…Robin

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What truly sets this site apart is its commitment to positivity and empowerment. Every article radiates with optimism, inspiring readers to embrace life’s adventures and pursue their passions with zeal.


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